A special machine designed by MDC LLC & built by PockeTweeze to perform secondary operations on the cast stainless steel tool component of the best tweezers in the world!

3D SolidWorks Model of PockeTweeze Machine

More of Nolton Johnson's Machinery & Production Lines

Invented & Built Two Automatic Stacking Machines
Layer Transfer Type & Lifting Finger Type (patented) New Version in Design Process Now

Invented Two Mechanical Cut-Off Saws
Crankshaft Design & Orbiting Design (patented), Both Airless. Thousands Sold, Many Still in Production After 35 years

Designed & Built Four Wood Moulder Infeed Systems
Canted Roll, Lateral Chain Style (now industry standard), Slope & Vertical Hopper. Many Still in Production after 35 years

Invented & Built 1st Horizontal Band, Edge Fed Multi-Lane Re-Rip Saw in 1987
Created This Machine To Salvage Wood Blocks with defects on edge (now industry standard)

Invented & Built Automatic Counter-Batcher for Lineal Products in 1972
Segregates Counted Bundles Without Interrupting Inflow. Many Still in Production

Invented Automatic Square Hole Broaching Machine
For Ends of Patio Door Stiles

Designed & Built Automatic Board Dispenser to Glue Applicator with Batch Lay-Up
Arranges Boards by Program, Sets Wet or Dry Lines & Feeds RF Glue Press.  Ejects & Stacks Finished Panels

Created Two Gang Rip Saws
50  HP to Rip Thick Lumber 1984, 75HP to Rip Wide Panels 1978.  Many Still in Production after 30 years

Invented a Stretcher-Straightener
Straightens 2"x4"x20' Steel Tubes That Get Bent in Use on a Lumber Drop Sorter

Introduced Walking Floor Storage Bin For Use in Millwork Cutline Projects in 1971
Built a Giant 6 Sort Bi-directional System to Feed 3 Finger-Jointers at the Same Time With 3 Different Items. Part of an Elevated Cut-Off Saw Line, Designed Other Cutlines & Plant Material Handling Systems

Designed Infeed, Outfeed & Sorter For Computer Optimizing Cut-Off Saw in 1985
Sold the First Saw in the NW U.S. & Designed an Elevated System With Curved Slides to Eliminate Product Damage & Keep People Standing Up Instead of Bending Over to Pick Up Parts for Stacking

Created Three 80 Ton Press Designs to Break Glue-Bound Fingerjointed Lumber Units
Self-Centering Design With Both Ends Pressing for Conveyor Pass-Thru.
One End Pressing Design With Power Move & Lock of End For 3' to 20'.
Both Have Height Capacity for 2 Units Remaining Stacked on Lift Forks.
Single Unit With Manual Move & Lock one End & 4 Cables for Tension.

Invented & Built Two Machines in-Line to Produce Staves for Planter Pots in 1988
"CrossWorker" Bull Noses, Grooves Outside for 2 Bands & Inside for Bottom.  Auto Feeds "Live Saw" to Taper Lengthwise With Beveled Edges at High Speed

Designed & Installed Plant to Build Engineered Floor Joists in 1999
Web Edge Prep Machine, Lumber Breakdown, Conveyors, V-Groove Machine, Auto Glue-Applicator, Special Traveling Clamp Carrier, Jigs For Metal Truss Press, Outfeed & Packaging System

Invented & Built Automatic Flying Cut-Off for Pre-printed Rice Paper Laminated to Particle Board Panels in 1972
Extremely Accurate Mechanism Allowed Butt Feeding of Panels With Cutter Wheel Traveling in Joint Every Time.  Eliminated 2 People Manually Cutting & Trash Accumulation From Waste Piece Due to Panels Not Being Butted up. Stopped Tearing for Good Looking Quality Cut

Designed New (Power Pole) Cross Arm Boring Line in 1999
Break Down, Infeed, Inspect/Reject Station, Brand, Lateral Index Thru Gang Drill, 90 Degree Roll, Gang Drill, Very Large Improvement in Production & Far Less Time to Change Over to Make New Product  



Our business is helping you with product development and manufacturing equipment design.  We do this by using SolidWorks 3-D Modeling to produce your product and equipment in digital format so that we can together visualize the whole thing.

Changes, improvements and simplifications can be accomplished quickly and accurately prior to producing 2-D manufacturing drawings.  New items can be designed starting with your existing CAD files of any type, PC or Mac.

The owner & manager, Nolton Johnson has experience and intuition to bring to the job.  He has worked as a product and manufacturing designer in many areas of industry for some decades.  Four U.S. patents list him as an inventor.

Wood Dentil Mould Machine

A Hopper Stores Extra Blanks: The Cutter Head with Pattern Knives Travels up and Across for 2-Axis Machining.  It Returns Home Out of the Cut Allowing the Hitch Feed to Advance the Blank at the Same Time

Simplicity:  No PLC is Needed, the Machine Runs Automatically by Sequencing of the Air Pilot Valves Using Air Valves for Limit Switches.  Anyone can Run and Maintain it!

The machine owner called after running it for 17 years because a bad valve was replaced and now it would not operate.  He had lost the schematic so I found it and e-mailed it to him the next day.  Two hoses had been switched, they were put back right and she's off and running again. It has been running for 26 years now.



A Powerful Infeed or Extraction System for a Lineal Process Like Pulling Wood Door Jambs Out of a Push-Feed Type Moulder.  Solves the Problems of Rapid Knife Wear And Burns on the Product Caused by Product Stalling in the Moulder

Dual Quad Replaceable Urethane Tires for Traction
Chain Nip Guard and Split Clamped Bores for Hydraulic Motor Drives
Floating Suspension Balanced by an Air Cylinder
A Handwheel Sets the Grip on the Product